Operation Christmas Child

What a blessing it is to send the Gospel to the edges of the earth!  Grace packed over 400 boxes this year.  We also served as a relay center and were able to ship over 1,400 boxes.  On Tuesday, we took two vehicles to Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL and dropped our 1,400 boxes off!  These boxes will touch children in many nations where the Gospel has never been heard!  According to statistics, one box will affect 9 children.  This means that 12,600 children will be impacted by the work of Grace and other cooperating churches! 

The Bible says in Matthew 28:20 that we should make disciples of all men as we are going, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teaching them what Jesus commanded.  What a blessing it is to sow seeds that someone else will water.  Let us be in prayer that the message of the Gospel will convict the hearts of the hearers, children and parents alike.  Let us be in prayer that there are hosts of evangelists who will lead those whom we touch to Jesus.  Let us be in prayer that the Holy Spirit will plow the ground and go before the planes that will carry these boxes overseas.  To God be the glory for the things that He has done.

Grace Convo 2017

Grace Community Church has been blessed to have our supply Pastor serve as one of the speakers for Grace Convo 2017.  Along with the recently ordained Rev. Micaiah Tanck, the two will bring messages in line with the theme "Testify".  CONVO is in Gatlinburg, TN this year and the cost is $180.00 per person.  We will engage in some fundraising efforts but we are also asking if anyone in the congregation would like to support our budding Youth Ministry, please approach an elder and let one of them know.  We'd like to take all of our youth to be a part of this event.  The attached document has more information. 

Grace Convo Packet

Jack Buck's 9/11 Speech

Thanks to Jan Murley for putting this into the bulletin.

Since this nation was founded under God,
more than 200 years ago,
we’ve been the bastion of freedom . . .
The light which keeps the free world aglow.

We do not covet the possessions of others,
we are blessed with the bounty we share.
We have rushed to help other nations . . .
Anything . . . Anytime . . . Anywhere.

War is just not our nature . . .
We won’t start, but we will end the fight.
If we are involved,
we shall be resolved,
to protect what we know is right.

We’ve been challenged by a cowardly foe,
who strikes and then hides from our view.
With one voice, we say there’s no choice today,
there is only one thing to do.

Everyone is saying the same thing,
and praying that we end these senseless moments we are living.
As our fathers did before, we shall win this unwanted war.
as our children will enjoy the future we’ll be giving.

– Jack Buck
September 2001

The Real Jesus Part 2: The Son of the Living God

We continued our study of "The Real Jesus" by discussing His Sonship and Deity and how they are interconnected on the 14th of September.  He is the only begotten Son or "monogenes" which means that there is no other like Him.  Here are our notes from the 14th.

1.      Jesus is God (in essence and person) John 1:1

 The Greek pronoun “pros” which is translated as with means that the Word was face to face WITH God.  Compare with Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Joshua who hid their faces when they were in the presence of God!  Another way to translate this passage and is brought out by Daniel Wallace.  When John says "and the Word was God" can be said this way "What WAS the Word WAS."  They are one in essence which affirms the deity of Jesus.

2. Jesus’ ministry began after He was baptized and after John was put in prison (Luke 2:21; Luke 3:15-17; Luke 3:23)

 What was His ministry? (Mark 1:14,15; 1:35-36)  Jesus came to gather up the children of God, to bridge the chasm that sin created and to establish the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.  Jesus did not preach anything different from what John preached!  When John was imprisoned after serving his purpose, Jesus stepped into is role and brought the ministry of establishing the kingdom of God to a climax at Calvary!

3.      Why was He baptized and why did He wait until everyone else was baptized?

 There are three reasons that Jesus, the Son, was baptized.  All of which pointed to His Sonship.  

1. Jesus was obedient to God’s word (Luke 3:3; Matthew 3:13-15; Luke 3:21) 

John the Baptist had reservations about baptizing Jesus because John knew that Jesus was greater than he was.  Before Jesus was immersed, He told John to permit it now because “We are right; we are fulfilling all righteousness”.  Baptized is in the passive voice i.e. Jesus allowed Himself to be baptized.  However, when Jesus commanded John to "permit it" the text uses an imperative verb.  This shows Christ's obedience to the Father AND His supremacy over John.  o    

Jesus, in His humanity, was also subject to the laws of God (1 Corinthians 3:23; 1 Corinthians 15:28). When John preached that every human ought to repent and be baptized, Jesus Christ obliged because He was a human being (hypostatic union) who was also subject to God (The Father's) requirements.  Jesus allowed Himself to be baptized because He did not want to diminish John’s ministry because he would eventually bring that ministry to completion.

2. His baptism was a picture of what he would endure (Death, burial, Resurrection). 

According to Warren Wiersbe, this was a prophetic moment and a flash of His entire life at this baptism. 

 3. His baptism was confirmation in the physical realm of what was already known in the spiritual realm (John 1:29-31; 33; Luke 3:22).   

John 1:30 states that John the Baptist was well aware that Jesus took precedence over him and was before him.  The verse contains a phrase, "he existed before me" which contains a verb in perfect tense.  This points to the pre-existence of Jesus well before the birth of John.  In Luke 3:22, there are several events that happened that all pointed to one thing: Jesus Christ is the ONLY Son of God:

 o   God opened heaven UP

o   The Holy Spirit came DOWN [pre-Pentecost]

o   The Holy Spirit was upon Him as a dove

o   A voice came from heaven (The verb came is in the middle voice which means that the Father made a conscious decision to proclaim that Jesus was the SON (came).  The voice confirmed on earth what was already KNOWN in heaven:



The Real Jesus Lesson 1: Historical Background

The first lesson from the Bible Study "The Real Jesus" is in the books.  We studied last night some historical background of Jesus in order to put the rest of the studies in context.  In case you missed it, the summary is here:

1. The real Jesus was born according to prophecy (Luke 1:30-38; Isaiah 9)

There are multiple prophecies that point to Christ’s birth.  Why is this important?  Because the prophecies also point to His divinity!  When the angel is prophesying to Mary in Luke 1:30-38, he is not talking about a mere baby but the Son of God coming into the world.  Isaiah 9 also speaks of the divinity.  Mere men don’t live forever as the prophecy states the Son of David would.  It points to the God-Man union that existed in Jesus.  He was 100% God and 100% man at the same time.  Read Philippians 2:1-10 for more on this.

 2. The real Jesus is NOT white nor black but Jewish (Luke 2:1-7)

Jesus was born in BETHLEHEM.  Not Africa and not Europe.  Luke’s gospel has been verified as a historical, eye-witness account and therefore can be trusted.  Luke writes with great detail for a reason.  Just as a history book contains details, Luke included details such that his words could be verified by anyone who read them.  Jesus was Jewish.  The prophecies were written about Him in the Jewish Old Testament and the concept of the coming Messiah was a Jewish concept.

3. The real Jesus is NOT accurately depicted in the imagery used by the church (Matthew 2:13-15; Revelation 1:15; Daniel 10:6)

                 Cesare Borgia                        …

                 Cesare Borgia                                        Forensically Reconstructed Jesus

The image on the left is Michelangelo’s depiction of Jesus.  It is stylized after his Pope Alexander VI's son, Cesare Borgia who is pictured to the far left wearing the hat.  This is not what Jesus looked like. He was not beautiful, nor was He white.  Isaiah 53 states specifically that he was not stately and was not one to be looked upon.  Reading Matthew 2:13-15 we realize something startling.  If Jesus looked like the picture on the left, how in the world could he have hidden in Egypt which is an African country?  He would have been found immediately!  A study was undertaken to determine what Jesus actually looked like.  Forensic archeologists reconstructed a model of Jesus by using a skull from the region that Jesus lived in (Judea, Galilee, Jerusalem) (http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35120965).  The results were astonishing!  The image on the right is far more accurate but because it does not promote an agenda, it is not very often discussed.  He looks like a Jew from the Middle East and not a white man from Europe.  Other biblical accounts discuss his skin tone etc.  See scriptures above.  We should note here that the image on the left has been quite divisive and many African-Americans are turned off by it, believing it to be a tool of white supremacy.

4. Jesus did not spout from an Egyptian myth (see Yamamuchi, Edwin; Easter: Myth, Hallucination or History, Christianity Today, March 15th 1974; March 29th 1974)

Many documentaries have sought to discredit Christianity by saying that the resurrection of Jesus is simply a borrowed concept from Egypttian mythology.  This has been roundly debunked.  The closest parallels to a “god” rising from the dead are as follows:

a) In 150 A.D., a theory began floating around insinuating that Christianity borrowed from Egypt.  This theory surfaced 117 years after the origin of Christianity!  How could Christianity have borrowed if the Egypt theory came after Christianity?

b) The legend of Osiris, who was cut into 14 pieces, scattered around Egypt, reassembled and brought back to life by Isis is also compared to the resurrection.  There is a huge difference.  Osiris does not come to earth but wanders in the underworld (Giesler, N., “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist”, pp. 312) whereas Jesus showed Himself to many after His resurrection (See 1 Cor 15, Acts 1, John 20-21, Luke 24).  Jesus came back to earth, not the underworld and there were eyewitnesses to His resurrection.

5. Jesus is a real, historical figure who is attested to from multiple biblical and extra-biblical sources.  See the following sources for verification.

Historian Colin Hamer gives 84 examples of the historicity of Luke (locations, dates, people, details) all archaeologically confirmed.  See Colin J. Hemer, The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1990.  Non-Christian historian Josephus attests to the historicity of Jesus (Flavius Josephus: Jewish Antiquities, 18.3.3 §63) and even stated that his movement did not die out long after he was crucified and ascended.  It should be noted that 3 of the 4 gospels are eyewitness accounts and pass muster when scrutinized as historical documents: John Mark was Peter’s scribe, Matthew was a disciple and eyewitness, John, the beloved disciple, was also an eyewitness with a particular agenda of salvation (see John 20:31)

 For more extrabiblical evidence, see:

vThe Case for Christ by Lee Strobel

vEvidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell

vIs the New Testament Reliable? by Craig Blomberg

See you next week!!

Fish Fry Information

As you know, the "Goin' Fishin'" Fish Fry is upon us.  Events like these are team efforts and we need everyone to pitch in.  We need the following:

1. Tent/table setup around 6:30am on the church grounds.  Tents will be mounted Friday and Saturday.

2. Those of you who will bring desserts, please don't forget them.

3. We will need a cleanup crew!  If you can't make the 6:30am setup, please stay and help us get the church grounds cleaned up!

4. If you'd like to work with traffic ministry, please see John Duncan.

5. Remember to bring at least one person who is not saved or who does not have a church home!

God bless you all and let's make this a God-glorifying event!

The Erosion of Common Decency

We hear a lot about political correctness and how it gets in the way of the truth.  Everyone is enamored with Donald Trump for his tell it like it is bravado.  He says that political correctness is bad for America.  Let me preface this post by saying up front that this is not an anti-Trump diatribe.  It is not my intention to sway anyone's political position because at the end of the day, everyone has a right to vote for whichever candidate they choose.  Politics aside, is being rude, brash and apathetic towards our neighbors' feelings really the proper Christian attitude to have?  We need not reference a political candidate when considering how we are to treat one another.  Our best guide is the Bible!

The Bible does indeed tell us to speak the truth.  Not with hate or in an acrimonious fashion but rather the truth is spoken with love.  That's not politically correct, it is Biblical.  There is nothing wrong with speaking the truth but the way something is said goes a long way in determining how it is received.  Truth spoken with vitriol does not solve anything and most times will exacerbate an already awkward situaiton.  Truth spoken with love reminds the recipient of said truth that we are concerned about their feelings and their well being.  The Bible says in Proverbs 15:1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger."  Harsh words hurt, period. 

What we are witnessing in America is the erosion of common decency.  Politeness, tact and discretion are giving way to just flat out rudeness.  Often that rudeness is applauded.  Since tact requires restraint, when we are able to be unrestrained, especially in our speech, there is a certain liberating quality about that.  However, we must not be so quick to jump on that train.  James teaches us to tame our tongue, not let it loose.  He says that the tongue is the smallest member of the body but wields the most power!  Look at what he says here in James chapter 3:

"4Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell."

The Bible also says that the life and death is in the power of the tongue.  We can figuratively kill people or give them life with our words!   The age of the internet has expedited our departure from decency.  The internet is a place where people can concoct fake identities, hide behind avatars and spit venom from a distance without fear of retribution.  Read the comments section of any article, especially in the area of politics or any topic that people disagree about, and you will need a wet wipe for your brain to cleanse it of the filth that is ingested by reading it.  The language that is used is deplorable.  Twitter is particularly vicious because of the free-for-all that it facilitates.  Any stranger from any part of the world can denigrate you in 140 characters, or less.  Once in a debate with an atheist, I was mobbed, insulted, cursed and mocked by hundreds of people who disagreed with my stance on God.  This was over the course of about two hours!  Needless to say, I ended up protecting my account to decrease the unwanted traffic.

When I think of Olympian and gold-medalist, Gabby Douglass and the hatred that she's had to endure while representing this country, I can only pray for her family and her close friends.  Being called a n***er or a monkey or being bullied for having natural hair by online cowards has to be particularly hurtful when you are doing nothing more than minding your own business.  Again, common decency says if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything. 

We cannot allow the current cultural phenomenon to infiltrate the church.  Sure, the church has been on the end of vitriolic attacks from numerous detractors but we've always responded in love.  A sermon can make the point against sin without sounding hateful.  We can be real without being rude.  We can tell the truth without pouring vinegar into the wound.  I don't like the idea that being "politically correct" somehow diminishes our ability to speak the truth.  We don't have to cave in to cultural pressures but we don't have to be hateful either.  We must be loving just as Christ was loving.  When it was time for Jesus to expose hypocrisy, He did so with tact, even though he did not mince His words.  We should act like Christians and never allow ideology to supersede our theology.  That is a dangerous position to take in that it puts us into the position of being a cultural Christian i.e. being a Christian when it is convenient for us.  

I will leave you with a passage of Scripture where Paul instructs Timothy on how to carry himself.  Yes, this is a Pastoral epistle.  Yes, Timothy is a Pastor.  However, His position in the church does not change the principle communicated in the message which can be applied to all Christians.  There's not a double standard of conduct for Pastors and those under their care.  The Pastor should be the model.  Look at Paul's teaching in2 Timothy 2:22-26:

"22Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will."

Grace and peace.