Operation Christmas Child

What a blessing it is to send the Gospel to the edges of the earth!  Grace packed over 400 boxes this year.  We also served as a relay center and were able to ship over 1,400 boxes.  On Tuesday, we took two vehicles to Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL and dropped our 1,400 boxes off!  These boxes will touch children in many nations where the Gospel has never been heard!  According to statistics, one box will affect 9 children.  This means that 12,600 children will be impacted by the work of Grace and other cooperating churches! 

The Bible says in Matthew 28:20 that we should make disciples of all men as we are going, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teaching them what Jesus commanded.  What a blessing it is to sow seeds that someone else will water.  Let us be in prayer that the message of the Gospel will convict the hearts of the hearers, children and parents alike.  Let us be in prayer that there are hosts of evangelists who will lead those whom we touch to Jesus.  Let us be in prayer that the Holy Spirit will plow the ground and go before the planes that will carry these boxes overseas.  To God be the glory for the things that He has done.