At Grace, the salvation only available through Jesus Christ is our primary focus. You can be saved today. It is not about praying a little prayer or doing better. We are saved by grace through faith. Will you put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ today? He wants to forgive you!
What does it mean to be saved?
Getting "saved" is not about reciting a prayer, it's about believing in your heart that Jesus Christ has forgiven your sins. Man has a sin problem that only Christ's blood can solve. Without salvation, we are left to bear the brunt of God's wrath on our own and pay for our own sins. We're all sinners in need of salvation. Jesus Christ died in our place and paid the penalty for our sins. Being saved means to be saved from the wrath of God, the penalty of sin which is death and eventually we will even be saved from the presence of sin. You can be saved right now if you BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is Lord, if you are willing to turn from your sins and if you accept His payment for your sins.
God loves you! God wants to forgive you. God wants to save you.
Are You saved?
Jesus Christ died at Calvary so that He could bridge the chasm that sin placed between God and man. Because of His atonement, YOUR sins will be forgiven if you trust Him as your Savior. God loves you and He wants you to repent and come back to Him. I urge you as an ambassador for Christ to be reconciled to God! Confess Jesus Christ as your Savior, believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you SHALL be saved (see 1 Cor 10:9-10)!
Only Jesus is able to bridge the chasm of sin that exists between God and man. Will you let Him bring you near to God today? Got questions?