Grace Community Church was planted in 1999 by Pastor Chuck Hood.  Grace has since gone from a storefront to a structure capable of holding 200 members.  We are a Christ-centered, bible believing church where all are welcome!  Come worship with us!.

Our Mission

The Mission of Grace Community Church is to reveal the love, truth and hope found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ- through His words and our actions.

Our Vision

Grace Community Church seeks the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all endeavors and exists to serve God through: worship in response to encountering God, equipping people with God's Word, building relationships that unite people and serving others with our God-given abilities.

Our Purpose

Grace Community Church exists as a family of believers that recognizes God's only true Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior. As Christ's disciples, we seek to learn God's purpose, worship His Kingship, serve others and equip all whom God sends; in unity and love.  As a body, we assemble to worship in a casual setting that encourages honesty in our relationship with God and each other. We seek to serve our congregation and community by eliminating social, racial and denominational boundaries. This can only be achieved by focusing on God's word of truth, God's impartiality towards all mankind, Christ's unification of the church through His shed blood and our similarities as sinners who were once far off but now have been brought near through the blood of Jesus. These things are taught through sound biblical doctrines and by illustrating the love of Jesus Christ.  As a family building, family nurturing church, we strengthen God's people through meaningful ministries that affect lives and, through the Spirit, activate the God-given gifts of our members

What We believe